Tuesday 29 April 2014

Polish Party - Inspired by a PP member

So this months Polish Party theme was voted for by the group and ended up being 'Inspired by another PP member' which I was super excited about having as my first theme.

I searched through everyone blogs and found the mani that inspired me most (which was so hard as there was loads of amazing designs!) and I chose this stamped mani from the amazing Fundamentally Flawless which was actually a previous Polish Party mani!

I had the nails all planned out in my head and as I don't have the same stamp I chose to draw the flowers freehand and they turned out soooo well! UNTIL….. dun dun dun. The topcoat :( it smudged everything! The flowers have now gone from dainty patterns, to huge bleeding blobs. I am gutted as I was super excited to do my first challenge for PP. But oh well… the show must go on, and these are the pictures.

I added some coloured flowers to each nail and a matt top coat!

Also I know the lighting is shocking. I still need to finish my light box.

Hope I haven't let Madison down… hopefully my next challenge will turn out loads better.

Sorry for this nail fail guys!

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  1. These look lovely, it's amazing that you did them freehand! I really like the coloured roses you added - shame about the top coat! I get that too and it's so frustrating! But honestly, I wouldn't call this a nail fail at all! It only smudge a bit on your ring finger, from what I can see, so no worries :D

    1. Thank you :) well I was just so disappointed that all of the lines expanded, so the tiny delicate flowers I made becamee massive. Wish I took a picture before the topcoat….
      Oh well! Thanks again! You should join Polish Party!

  2. Definitely not a nail fail they look gorgeous! I especially like the coloured flowers you have added in there, that's a great touch :) ! And for freehand these are stunning! Great work :) ! I'm running late with my PP nails this month I better get a move on :p xx

    1. Haha thanks! I like the added colour too :)
      Get a move on! (Only because I want to see them :P) choosing only one mani to be inspired by was sooooo hard! xx

  3. Just followed you on Bloglovin' so I can start following your work now :D x

  4. These are AMAZING! I absolutely hate it when top coat smudges the design though! Hasn't happened to me since I started using Seche Vite topcoat though thankfully :D x

    1. Thank you! Was horrible when it happened… but I couldn't stop by then..
      Hahaha I actually ordered the Seche Vite topcoat yesterday! woo x
