Sunday 29 June 2014

Outlined Nails & Pantene Pro V Oil

So today I am posting a mani that I actually had on for a few days before I photographed it, so I apologise in advance for any chips or wear. I still think they look awesome but I know there is a very noticeable chip on my middle finger but please ignore it!

I actually created this mani at my Aunts house using her polishes (thanks Auntie Nicky!) which is why I didn't touch up any imperfections before photographing it, because obviously I didn't have the polishes to top it up!

Thursday 26 June 2014

Subtle Business Nails (nails for the workplace)

Hi everyone! Sorry again for the rubbish posting schedule but hopefully from now on I am going to get into a routine of posting every Wednesday and Sunday! So stay tuned!

Today I am doing a post that I hope will help a lot of people who like their nails to look beautiful but aren't exactly sure how to pull of nail art at work as its hard to know which colours are suitable.

So I created this cute little mani that was so simple to create!

Friday 20 June 2014

Rimmel - Cocktail Passion Stud Mani

Sorry for the delay in posts but have been pretty busy at the moment with a project and hopefully after next week I should be able to set a regular post schedule so you know when posts will be coming!

As for today's post, I am using my new favourite colour which comes from Rimmel's Salon Pro collection.

Monday 16 June 2014

Models Own Speckled Egg Skittle Mani

Hey everyone, quick photo filled post today using one of my favourite polishes ever from Models Own.

All polishes used are Models Own except my quick dry topcoat which is from Seche Vite.

To create this mani I used Models Own Speckled Egg in Magpie, Hypergel in White Light and a very old bottle of Juicy Jules.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Born Pretty Store Lace Stamping Plate

Following on from my last post I have another item from Born Pretty Store which they kindly sent me to try out!

It is a wonderful stamping plate full of different lace patterns which I love!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Born Pretty Store Water Decals

Sorry for my absence the last few days but I have a new post for you today and hopefully tomorrow I will have another one!

I was recently sent a few bits kindly from Born Pretty Store and just had to try out these super cute and summer water decals first!

Friday 6 June 2014

Models Own - Indian Ocean

Two Models Own posts in one day?! Aren't you lucky!

This is Models Own Indian Ocean and I used to wear it ALL the time. I was in love with how it looked so different under different lights! And the other day I rediscovered it at the bottom of my stash and knew I just had to put it on.

Bubble Wrap and Stud Nails

First I have to say I am so sorry to my followers for the lack of posts but I have just finished my last week of my second year at uni and I really needed to concentrate on getting my work done! But to make up for it I have two posts for you today! 

Secondly I have to say I am sorry but there also won't be a post for the next few days as I have to pack up my room and move out, plus I am going to my boyfriends Nanny's birthday! (I have never met her before in our two and a half years together so wish me luck)!

Anyway on to the bit you actually want to read about which is the nails I had on for my last week of Uni!