Wednesday 9 July 2014

Foil Half and Half Mani

Hey guys, so todays mani is especially for my Auntie Nicky, who kindly brought me the foils that I have used to create this so… THANKS Auntie Nicky!!

I have wanted to use these foils ever since she brought me them and experimented a few times but never really got a great result. I think my ideas were too exotic and difficult really but this simple mani worked really well!

I simply started off with a base of Models Own - Raspberry Crush.

Then applied my adhesive and left it until it went clear.

Then applied the foils in really random sections simply by pressing down and then removing.

If you don't know how to get the adhesive they usually come with foil sets and is easily found on eBay.

I used these three foils which are beautiful colours and I have another two which I will definitely be testing out soon but they are slightly bolder.

I realise that the pink foil is a different colour to the pink on my nails and that is because my topcoat decided to go crazy… but I actually really like the bright pink!

I had originally created this look with a mini border around the foil side using the same Raspberry Crush, but I decided I didn't like it and simply got out the adhesive again and applied more foil, so it really is super easy to build in places you want!

I really like how this mani turned out and it literally took about ten mins with a few extra mins for cleanup.

I would love to know of a topcoat that doesn't react with the foil because my Seche Vite took away the metallic and made the foils dull, and my Rimmel Ultra Shine made the colours go crazy! So if anyone knows one then please let me know!

I don't know exactly where this foils came from.. because they were a present, but these are similar and you can buy the base pink colours here at Models Own.

This is also my mani for the Challenge set up by British Nail Blogger called Colour me Crazy… Check out the other designs below and create your own Red manis for this weeks theme!

I hope you all like the mani as much as I do and let me know your thoughts in the comments!

You can find me on Facebook at Little Red Loves and Instagram at @kimberlina94.

Have a good day.


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  1. These are super cute! I never got the hang of using foils, but I love how they look. :)

  2. Aw this is so pretty! It looks so effective! I keep saying that I need to buy some foils but I still haven't got round to it yet :p . Gorgeous mani :) xx
