Wednesday 27 August 2014

Colour Me Crazy - Pink (Holiday snaps)

So im a little behind on my Colour Me Crazy manis after my trip away but I did actually do my pink mani on time… I just didn't post it. So today I am going to show you my holiday pink mani and a few snaps from my trip.

Here is the nail art I created for the pink theme and I am pretty happy with how these turned out! 

I created these using striping tape as shown above and it was a lot easier than you would think!

I love how the glitter shines through on the gaps and it looked so pretty in the sun which was perfect for the summer holiday feel. I wore this mani pretty much all holiday long until I broke a nail whilst canoeing which will be shown below!

I simply lined the striping tape up over a glitter base and filled in the holes using different pinks and my tiny brush then pulled the tape off as quickly as I could….

I hope you like the mani as much as I do!

Just a few of our many holiday goers on the beach

Now onto my holiday…. I go on this holiday every year and it is pretty different to the standard summer holiday. Mainly because we go with about 40 other people!!

My Dorm Girls

There used to be about 150 of us who would go every year but over the years the numbers have dwindled down a bit, which is sad but we all have a great time!

On this holiday we stay in a boarding school which we find dotted all around the UK and this years school was in Salisbury.

We all had a great time and did different activities such as canoeing, going to Monkey World, trips to the beach and shopping of course!

This is a pic of me enjoying the sun on the beach with my kimono and floppy beach hat (essential as a ginger).

There were lots of trips to tea houses as usual for a delicious cream tea or slice of cake!

But most important of all I took my nail kit and a few polishes to do peoples nails in the evening and all I asked was that they put a few pounds in our Boggie Bank. The Boggie Bank is a money box that we use throughout the week to raise money for a girl that we sponsor every year in Africa. Money is raised by having fines everyday for all the silly things people do. For example Auntie Sheila got fined for asking if cows udders explode when they aren't milked!! That was 50p straight in the box. 

Anyway here just a couple of the manis I created on all ages (I forgot to take pics of most of them) and it was all for a good cause so I was happy to do it!

I had a great time on holiday and I hope you have all had good times on your holidays too!


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  1. Love this mani and great choice in colors!! Did you use a top coat after you took the tape off? I am new at this so trying to figure when to use top coat and not to.

  2. I love love LOVE these!! such a cute combo of colours and glitter x

  3. Beautiful and creative mani, looks great, perfect for a holiday :D! Glad you had a good time, it looks fab on the pictures! :) x
