Wednesday 24 September 2014

Pink & Gold Floral Mani

Hey guys! Two posts today for you so I hope you enjoy them both!

First up is my new mani that I created using my new polish from Essie!

I ordered three new Essie polishes from Boots as they had a 3 for 2 offer on and I love them all! I posted a picture of a mani I created using all of the colours but I forgot to take some proper pictures so I probably won't do a post on them but if you would like to see more pics of it let me know in the comments (pic below).

After using Ballet Slippers as a base for the above mani I just had to use it again straight away.

There are loads of swatches online of this polish so I won't post a swatch but I am super proud of this new mani I created, even though it wasn't really super hard.

To create this mani I used my everyday base - Rimmel London Nail Nurse, and then applied 3 very thin coats of Ballet Slippers and a topcoat of Seche Vite.

When this was all totally dry I took some of my mums craft stickers which come in a big gold sheet and simply placed the stickers where I wanted them on my nails and trimmed to size.

Finally I sealed it all in with another coat of Seche Vite paying special attention to the edges to prevent peeling.

I know this seems like an awful lot of layers of polish and I wouldn't usually apply this many but I didn't want to risk applying the stickers to a tacky base and need to move them because I don't like the placement. And I only applied three coats because I wanted a super opaque base as my nails have been getting super dirty whilst working at my 3rd year uni placement.

I love how simple these were but how effective they look at the end. The colours are perfect together and this may be a new favourite nude pink. I don't know how it took me so long to purchase it!

I hope you enjoyed this mani post and stay tuned for the next post (its baking themed for GBBO)


Don't forget you can follow me on Facebook below and instagram using @kimberlina94.
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1 comment:

  1. These are really pretty, the gold really suits that base coat! I also LOVE the mani you did using all the polishes wow!
