Monday 6 October 2014

Nude ProGenius Treatment Oil Review

Hey guys so for todays post I have a pretty different product for me to be reviewing… It is different in terms of the fact that is is high end and I am usually a hight street beauty kind of girl, AND it is different because I have never used anything like this before!

So I was lucky enough to be picked by Birchbox and Nude skincare to review one of Nudes skincare products which was this ProGenius Treatment Oil. I kind of entered on a whim as I am a girl with incredibly oily skin and that means anything with the word oil in it usually is a massive no no for me.. but I had been reading other bloggers posts saying that they had added oils to their routine and seen good results.

When I won I was super excited and felt lucky to be chosen but I was also really scared at the thought of putting this on my face….

I have been using this product for two weeks now and all I can say is WOW.

Firstly the packaging is amazing and I think the button at the top to fill the pipet is adorable and so much easier to use than the usual wierd looking nipple thing… (don't know the word) 

Second the product sinks in so nicely and has not made my skin any oilier than usual!

And thirdly my skin looks and feels so much better!

For the both weeks I simply added this to my routine by squirting a pea sized amount onto my fingers and massaging in before moisturiser etc… and do have to say I hate the feel of it when it first goes on… BUTTT if you wait for a few seconds, your skin immediately absorbs the oil and you are left with a nice smooth face for the rest of your products.

After the first two days I was already noticing that my spots were disappearing. I don't think this is what the product aims at but after reading this on Birchbox; 'This oil contains omegas 3,6,7 and 9 and promises to transform your skin and reduce the signs of ageing, with quick results. What's more, it's a completely vegan oil and free of parabens, sulphates and phthalates. As well as being packed with omega, it also contains 10 carefully selected plant oils that hydrate and smooth your skin. A truly nourishing daily treat.' How could the result not be better skin?

All of the ingredients are designed to make healthier skin and I am definitely seeing the benefits so I am going to try adding it to my morning routine as well.

Other than the slightly unpleasant feel when you first apply the product the only other downside I can see is the price tag. At £58 this is an incredibly expensive addition to your routine and kind of leaves me in a predicament… I have fallen in love with this product and definitely think it is worth the money for the results, but I can't see myself ever having enough money to buy this and be able to buy other things I need in a month.

Overall, this is a dream product and I love it, but I am not so in love with the price tag.. If you are a high end girl and can afford something like this, definitely go for it! My skin feels so much better and healthier. Also if you just want to treat yourself, it is great. For now I have no idea what I will do when this eventually runs out… but it is 100% a winning product in my eyes.

Thank you Birchbox and Nude for letting me try this product out and check out Nude's other products here.

Also this month Birchbox is going pink for Breast Cancer awareness and for every new subscriber they will be donating £1 to Cancer Research so please go and check out their website. Treat yourself and do something good at the same time. When this months box arrives I will be doing a review and Ill let you know my thoughts.

Hope you liked this post and let me know if you have use any of their products before/what you think?


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*Although the product was sent to me all views are my own.

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