Monday 22 December 2014

Fairisle Jumper Christmas Nails

Hey everyone, sorry for the slight delay in posting but with christmas and all I've been super busy. More christmas nails for today! These are created with another stamping plate from Born Pretty Store and my favourite topcoat from Barry M.

I have been loving all kinds of christmas jumpers lately especially those that are dainty and delicate like subtle fairisle jumpers. This inspired me to create these pretty nails which were super quick to do!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Winter Sparkle Snowflake Nails

Hey everyoneeee, its nearly christmas!!! Woo I'm so excited! And as I wrote in my last post, I have been very behind on my christmas nails so I thought I would upload these straight away so I can squeeze some more designs in before christmas!

These are my latest creations inspired by the decorations on my christmas tree. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of my tree because all of them came out over exposed from the lights and I'm not a camera genius so I couldn't fix it.. but anyway! Basically our tree at home is white, teal and silver. I realise these nails aren't quite teal but this blue was the colour that really took my fancy that day.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Winter Leaves Nail Gradient

Hey guys! So todays post is slightly behind in the times considering that everyones already moved onto wintery type nail art and I'm still stuck on Autumn nails here! But who cares?!

Also don't worry I will be doing wintery manis as I love winter nails but I was very kindly sent some plates to review by Born Pretty Store which included this beautiful Autumn Leaf Plate.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Look Fantastic December Box

Its that time again folks!!! Time for another Look Fantastic Beauty Box review and this one is a goo dun'.

As always with Look Fantastic, things are just getting better and better and another I preferred last months box for my personal tastes I do actually think this months is better and sadly for my bank balance that means I will want to buy the next one! Waaa…

Monday 8 December 2014

GHD Rose Gold Styler Gift Set Review

Hey guys! Super cool post today as I was lucky enough to be chosen by Look Fantastic to review their GHD Rose Gold Styler Gift Set which I was blown away by.

I have always been a massive fan of GHD with their being the brand my hairdressers have always used on me. About 7 years ago I got my very first pair and I loved them! They were bright pink and I used them pretty much every day for a long time.. but as I grew up I kind of left my hair a bit more natural, or curled it, or used my straighteners but didn't enjoy it as much because I am a bit more grown up now and although I am still a girlie girl they are a bit too much of a childish colour for me.

Sunday 30 November 2014

GlossyBox for Harvey Nichols - The Christmas Edit

Hey guys! Today I have an amazing box review for you which you have probably already read all about before but I was super busy when it arrived and didn't get the time to write a post quicker. This box is a collaboration between department store giants Harvey Nichols and subscription box gurus Glossybox. First all I can think about when I see this box is WOW… There are so many amazing products crammed in!

Next I sadly have to mention the price.. This box was £35 (plus p&p) which is crazy for a box of samples, but this is no ordinary box of sample (its an M&S box of samples… just kidding) it is a super sized box of samples with products from high end brands that you don't usually get in the standard subscription boxes. I was so sad to part with this much money at first.. but it was so worth it and I am so happy I did.

Friday 28 November 2014

Quiz Dress Your Nails Competition

Hey guys! So today I have a pretty exciting post for you. I was recently contacting by a lovely lady from Quiz who invited me to take part in a nail art competition where you are inspired by one of their dresses! So of course I had to take a shot and I am going to show you the nails I created.

There were so many nice dresses on their website that it took me ages to find just one that I wanted to turn into nails as I had so many ideas buzzing around my head!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Red Polka Dot Nail Art

Hey guys! I hope you are all good and enjoying this beautiful winter weather! Today I have a quick post on these super easy but incredibly effective nails!

I created these a few days ago and I have fallen in love with how they look. They were so easy to create but they look so good and I have had so many compliments… especially from people asking where I got my nail wraps from.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Look Fantastic November Box Review

Hey guys! For this post I am reviewing another beauty box! Which seems mad…. I have gone from getting none to reviewing 2 or 3 boxes a month! My bank balance does not like me right now… But my face does! Tehee

This time is the November edition of the Look Fantastic Beauty Box and it is their best one yet! I was pretty confused when my box turned up because it had no box cards and as the products are all samples, some do not have instructions on the back. I contacted LF and got no response which I think is pretty rude seeing as it is their mistake.

Monday 17 November 2014

Autumn Leaves Gradient Nails

Hello everyone! Todays post is a little bit late going up but it turns out that someone who is way better than me at nail art posted some very similar nails just before I was about to post mine…. So I didn't want mine to look poor in comparison and decided to hold off on posting them for a while.

I am a true lovely of autumnal colours and berry has always been my go to polish and lip colour, so autumn nail art is super exciting for me! I thought these up one night when I couldn't sleep and sadly they didn't turn out quite as neat as I hope (I think I need a smaller brush) but I am still super happy with them.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Olaf Birthday Cake

Hey guys! So for todays post I am going to show you the birthday cake that I made for my younger cousin, Nathan's, birthday.

Nathan has been loving the Frozen CD lately and when my Aunt asked if I could make an Olaf themed cake, I jumped at the opportunity as I am a bit of a Frozen lover myself.

Monday 10 November 2014

November Birchbox Review

Hey guys! Its that time again BIRCHBOX!

I think beauty boxes may have become my obsession and I am already signed up for the alerts for the Glossybox with Harvey Nichols AND I have another beauty box review coming this week! They are such a good way to find new products you haven't heard of or wanted to try but didnt want to splurge…

So this months Birchbox theme is 'Cosy at Home' which is filled with products that are meant to help you get through the cold winter months! As usual the box was filled with a selection of cards with hints, tips and product information… but also this months cards had my face on!!! (above pic, bottom right)

Sunday 2 November 2014

Dry Brush Nail Art

Hey guys! So I'm back from my holiday now and thought I would show you the nails I wore for the WHOLE week… yes they lasted the whole week! I only had a few chips on the last night and peeled them off in the car on the way home (so so bad I know but I was bored, 5 hours is a long time to sit in a car).

These nails were literally so simple to create and they looked so effective. I started off with a base of 2 coats of Essie Sole Mate and when that was dry, I begun taking random colours and making fast strokes using the brush include in the polish but I had brushed most of the polish off on the bottle top.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

GOSH Lipstick Review

Hey guys, sorry again for my crazy posting schedule at the moment but my excuse this time is that I am currently in WALES. I am on an extended family holiday staying in a house with 13 people in Tenby centre. I am having a great time but by the evening I am pretty tired so I haven't done all the posts I probably should have but I am loving the break away from everything. I will upload some pictures on my next post if you want to see what we have all been up to.

Anyway on to todays post. I was lucky enough to win a competition run by the GOSH instagram and they very kindly sent me 4 lipsticks and 5 lip lacquer, all of which I loved and I thought I would share with you the lipsticks.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Guest Post for Ali from Fixin To Faff

So recently I was given the opportunity to guest post on a blog I have been following silently for ages! It is a blog who's posts really inspire me and as you can probably tell from the title it is for Fixin To Faff.

Ali was looking for a way to free up some time without neglecting her followers and guest posting is a great way to do that and I will definitely be looking into this whenever I need some extra time.

Monday 20 October 2014

October Birchbox Review

Hey guys, so as promised here is my review of this months Birchbox. I have been a subscriber now for 3 months and I am seriously loving how excited you get when the box arrives at the door.

Last month I was super impressed with what I received and sadly didn't get around to posting my review but here is a quick picture of my previous box to show how good it was.

Friday 17 October 2014

Pardon My Nails Inspired Mani

Hey guys! Super quick post today of some nails Im not particularly happy with but wanted to share anyway because not all manis can be perfect!

This is a mani that was inspired by Sarah from Pardon My Nails who created this mani a while back and when we did our mani swap I was torn between which ones to do. After opting for some Emma Bridgewater nails I decided to revisit her posts and create this mani later on which I have just got round to doing!

Monday 6 October 2014

Nude ProGenius Treatment Oil Review

Hey guys so for todays post I have a pretty different product for me to be reviewing… It is different in terms of the fact that is is high end and I am usually a hight street beauty kind of girl, AND it is different because I have never used anything like this before!

So I was lucky enough to be picked by Birchbox and Nude skincare to review one of Nudes skincare products which was this ProGenius Treatment Oil. I kind of entered on a whim as I am a girl with incredibly oily skin and that means anything with the word oil in it usually is a massive no no for me.. but I had been reading other bloggers posts saying that they had added oils to their routine and seen good results.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Twin Sugar Spun Nails with Nailsxo

Today I have a very exciting post that I have done with the very talented Emily from Nailsxo.

After I was lucky enough to win her World Cup Nails competition we kept in contact and decided to do some twin nails using a nail art technique that neither of us had tried yet. This for us was the sugar spun method which I first saw through Narmai at PiggieLuv.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Too Faced - Milk Chocolate Soleil Bronzer

Hey guys! So I'm sorry that my posts have been a little infrequent recently but I have been super busy with my new placement so I haven't really had the time to keep up to date. I promise I will try and be better!

So for todays post I have a review of one of my September favourites, which also happened to be a cheeky after birthday treat that I couldn't really afford but couldn't resist. It is the Chocolate Soleil Bronzing Powder from Too Faced.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Vanilla & Cinnamon Cupcakes

MMMMMmmm these are just the most delicious cupcakes I have ever made and I am going to have to make myself another batch!

I am currently munching on one while writing this post and watching Great British Bake Off!

Pink & Gold Floral Mani

Hey guys! Two posts today for you so I hope you enjoy them both!

First up is my new mani that I created using my new polish from Essie!

Friday 19 September 2014

Black & White Geometric Nail Art

Hey guys!! So sorry for the massive delay in posts but after my AMAZING birthday trip to Ireland, I was super ill and have just started my work placement for my third year at Uni.
So as you can probably tell I've not had much time to post but I promise that will all change now!

As for today… I have some nail art that I created before I went on holiday that I couldn't not show you because I am super proud of how these turned out.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Rimmel Velvet Matte Swatch

Hey guys! So today I have a single swatch for you because I simply couldn't afford the whole collection, but when I walked into boots and saw these sitting on the shelf I couldn't leave without at least one!

So this is a polish from the new Rimmel London Velvet Matte collection! I chose the colour 014 Sumptuous Red, which I can't say is very red to me but hey ho! This is a beautiful deep purple colour that is perfect for the autumn!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Birthday Nail Art & Beauty Giveaway!!!!

Super exciting post for you today guys!!!! As I have recently reached 300 followers on Instagram and as it is my birthday TODAY! WOO I have decided to run my very first giveaway!

This giveaway will run for 3 weeks and is international!

Monday 1 September 2014

Polish Party - Glitter or Gems August

Lots of posts this week and todays one is a super short one as I am massively busy organising stuff for a super exciting post that will be coming out tomorrow so make sure you come back… It may involve the chance to win some things ;)

Its that time again (well a bit late) which means that I have to tell you that this months Polish Party theme is Glitter or Gems!

Sunday 31 August 2014

Rimmel Wonder'full Mascara Review

Beauty post today guys!!

I recently purchased this new Rimmel London mascara from Superdrug when they had a £2 off and free eyeliner offer on which was AMAZING and I couldn't resist.

Friday 29 August 2014

Thou Shalt Not Covet Giveaway - Zoeva Brushes

Quick post today guys!! I came across this awesome giveaway on twitter today and as I have entered I just wanted to it with you and give you a chance to enter yourselves…

Image from Michelle's post. Not my own imagery. Copyright to Thou Shalt Not Covet.

The amazing Michelle from Thou Shalt Not Covet is giving away these beautiful Rose Gold Zoeva make up brushes which I'm sure many of you have heard great things about! At €65 for the brush set this giveaway is definitely worth a shot at so give it a go and head over to the blog post here to enter!

Good luck guys!


post signature

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Colour Me Crazy - Pink (Holiday snaps)

So im a little behind on my Colour Me Crazy manis after my trip away but I did actually do my pink mani on time… I just didn't post it. So today I am going to show you my holiday pink mani and a few snaps from my trip.

Here is the nail art I created for the pink theme and I am pretty happy with how these turned out! 

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Barry M Swatches - Matte 2014

IM BACK!!! Hey guys, sorry for the absence in posts the last week but I was away on holiday and I had a wonderful time!

To make up for my absence I have a photo filled post for you this evening and a post tomorrow!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

GBBO Inspired - Red Velvet Swiss Roll with White Chocolate Buttercream

Hey everyone. So if you are an avid watcher of The Great British Bake Off just like me… you will know that last week there was a Swiss Roll round! I was inspired by Kate's bake which was a Red Velvet Swiss Roll with a white chocolate buttercream. I just knew I had to recreate this and my mum also asked me to make one.

So I decided to come up with a recipe! This took a few attempts and it isn't particularly neat but thats just not how we roll in my family! (get it roll… swiss roll) ha!

Sunday 10 August 2014

Mani Swap with Pardon My Nails

Today I have a SUPER EXCITING post for you as it is my first ever mani swap! And I have amazingly been able to do this with the wonderful Sarah over at Pardon My Nails.

If you don't know who she is then where have you been? She is a UK nail art blogger just like me, and creates the most beautiful nail art! Also her photography is stunning and I wish my pictures look like hers do!

Thursday 7 August 2014

Colour Me Crazy - Blue

Hey guys! Bonus post today is this mani I created for this weeks Colour Me Crazy theme of Blue. As you will have seen recently… I swatched a beautiful blue Barry M Gelly polish called Damson, so I knew straight away what my main colour would be! 

I also had a few questions on my Barry M Neutral Gelly swatches for how I created the accent nail so I decided to recreate it with different colours for this look.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Lemon & Chia Cupcakes - Return of the Bake Off

So many of you British lot may be aware of the up coming return of The Great British Bake Off, which is one of my favourite programmes EVER! It starts tonight at 8 o clock and I honestly can't wait!

So in honour of its return I decided to create a watch time snack which turned out to be these scrummy Lemon and Chia Seed Cupcakes.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Barry M Gelly Swatches 2014 - Part 2

Hey guys! So today I have part 2 of my Barry M Gelly Swatches which is super exciting because these were probably the most fun to swatch! Checkout part 1 (neutrals) here.

They are these beautiful bright colours, which is exactly what Barry M are best know for. They just know exactly how to do bright colours and they are always so pigmented with a great formula.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Barry M Gelly Swatches 2014

Another post! Aren't I kind :) So today I have 1 of a few posts that will be continuing in the next few weeks. I was lucky enough to win a MASSIVE goodie bag from Barry M which was absolutely AMAZING. I never expected anywhere near as much as they sent me so I can't thank them enough. 

As they were so so kind I decided to swatch all of the polishes that they sent me and up today I have the first lot of the Barry M Gelly Neutral collection.

Polish Party - Recreate Your First Mani

Hey guys! Time for another Polish Party…. This months theme is Recreate Your First Mani and seeing as I have only been blogging for 4 months I decided to do my first mani that I could find on my Instagram and here are the results! 

Sunday 27 July 2014

Colour Me Crazy - Yellow & Nailsxo Prize

Hey guys! Happy Sunday?! I have two posts in one for you today as I have created my nail art for this weeks Colour Me Crazy - Yellow, using my prize from Nailsxo's amazing competition, which arrived this week and I wanted to show you how generous Emily was and tell you a little bit more about the comp.

So for the weeks Yellow Colour me crazy I was having trouble thinking about nail art to create… I have yellow polishes but I only ever use them for detailing not as an actual base colour so I was really struggling. 

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Mickey & Minnie Polka Dot Nails

Today I have a quick, photo-filled post for you which was inspired by a recent post by Dahlia Nails.

These nails were inspired by the below picture from Dahlia Nails that they posted on the 30th June. I love their page and these really caught my eye as a Disney fan!

Monday 21 July 2014

Models Own Floral Polish for Tans

Hello everyone!!

Sorry for not posting yesterday but I was away for my boyfriend's dad's Birthday! We had such a lovely time in Norfolk and I came home yesterday afternoon so I thought I would have plenty of time to post, but I got so badly sunburnt (even though I wore factor 50) that I literally couldn't move… Ive had like no sleep and can't move one of my arms. But anyway enough about the troubles of being ginger….

Today I have a manicure that I created whilst we were having crazy storms in England. One night it even knocked over a vase in my bathroom and it smashed all over the floor so it was pretty scary!

Wednesday 16 July 2014

E.L.F Haul and Review

Hey guys! So seeing as I posted a nail art post yesterday I decided that todays post was going to be make up related which I haven't done for a while… My last make up post was a lip crayon review and is actually my second most popular post of all time so I am hoping that my nail followers don't mind a little make up time.

This month is E.L.F's (Eyes Lips Face) 10th Birthday! Woo congrats Elf. And at the beginning of the month the UK site did a wooping 51% off online orders, even on sale stuff which was amazing… (over £25 only) and of course I just couldn't resist this amazing deal and stocked up my make up bag!

I have placed one order from them before and I absolutely loved the products I got. They are all super cheap and high quality with amazing deals on all the time.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Funky French

Afternoon all! I realise this is a day late but I was taking care of a poorly boyfriend who took care of me when I was ill by painting my nails so it was worth being one day late. (Check out his mani here)

So today I have these funky french manicure nails I created as a twist on the standard ones you see every where.

Friday 11 July 2014

Barry M Floral Nails

Hey guys! Lots of posts this week I know…. but as I think I am going to be very busy at the weekend I thought I would post now to make up for if I miss Sundays post. Prepared girlie here!

So with all the beautiful releases that have been coming out from Barry M lately (that I really shouldn't buy but desperately want!) I decided to be good and simply rediscover my old favourites to create this floral mani!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Foil Half and Half Mani

Hey guys, so todays mani is especially for my Auntie Nicky, who kindly brought me the foils that I have used to create this so… THANKS Auntie Nicky!!

I have wanted to use these foils ever since she brought me them and experimented a few times but never really got a great result. I think my ideas were too exotic and difficult really but this simple mani worked really well!

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Born Pretty Store Brushes Review

Ooops! I forgot to publish this yesterday…. SORRY! But anyway here is my final post on the flower outline nails with a review of Born Pretty Store brushes.

So I was kindly sent some products to review from Born Pretty Store and this is my last post on the products that they sent. 
I am a massive fan on teeny tiny brushes for creating nail art and therefore this product was perfect for me!

It is this pack of 12 small brushes which you can buy here. These are £3.79 for TWELVE which is amazing and so far I have tried to use just one of the brushes so I can give you an idea of how well they will last and I am not disappointed at all!

Sunday 6 July 2014

Models Own Matte vs Hypergel Topcoat

Second Post for the day is comparing two Models Own Topcoats. I am going to re do this post soon hopefully with pictures that show more of a difference but for now I have experimented with the mani I posted earlier today.

I think when I found the earlier image of this nail design on pintrest they were Matte (read previous post if you don't understand) so I wanted to try out creating it as close to as I could remember. BUT as I have recently purchased the Models Own Hypergel Topcoat I was torn…. So I decided to do a comparison.